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A hammer to swat flies

Earlier in the week while waiting for traffic court to start I was speaking with a police officer who mentioned that in BC we use a hammer to swat flies. He was referring...

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They can take your car

Without a warrant, without a court order and without even the sworn evidence of an informant they can take your car. You probably know this already but it deserves repeating...

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Real crime and driving laws

The population of Surrey BC feels like they’re under siege these days. Property crimes like theft and fraud seem to be rampant. Violent assaults and prominent murder...

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For those who love to drive

In BC many people have to drive for a living, and others have a heavy commute just to get to work. Driving may be a necessity and it may be a chore. But there’s nothing...

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The Cost of a Ticket in BC

We are asked from time to time why you should dispute a traffic ticket in BC. In a previous blog post we explained why we fight traffic tickets. Not all lawyers like to...

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