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Driving Prohibitions

Impaired Driving

If you have been charged under the Criminal Code with Impaired Driving, Blowing Over the Legal Limit or Refusing to Provide a Breath Sample, you are facing a number of serious consequences. Some of these consequences will vary, depending on your personal driving history.

If this is your first time offence, you face a criminal record, a minimum of a $1,000.00 fine and a one year driving prohibition.

The punishment for refusal is a $ 2,000 fine, criminal record, and one-year driving prohibition on a first offence.

If this is your second offence, you are at risk of receiving a minimum of 30 days in jail and a three year driving prohibition.

For any subsequent offence, you are at risk of receiving a maximum of 120 days in jail and an indefinite license suspension.

You should know that drinking and driving is a very complicated area of law. The legal issues, arguments and defences are highly complex. Legal expertise is required. If you are facing an impaired driving charge, you should seek legal help.

You should contact an experienced driving lawyer immediately: CONTACT 604-608-1200.

Convicted of an alcohol-related Criminal Code offence? See Responsible Driving Program…

In addition to these penalties, you are also at risk of facing the following consequences:

  • You will receive a criminal record
  • You will receive 10 points on your driver’s license for each conviction
  • You will receive Driver Point Penalty points
  • You will receive Driver Risk Premium points
  • You will be required to pay for, participate in and successfully complete the Responsible Driver’s Program
  • You will be required to pay for, participate in and successfully complete the Ignition Interlock Program
  • There may be very negative consequences with respect to ICBC insurance
Driving prohibition? We can help you get back on the road.

Act now to challenge your driving prohibition.

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