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We are the law. BC Lawyers who defend traffic tickets

A lawyer to defend your traffic ticket

Traffic tickets are serious matters. A conviction can mean the loss of your driving privileges, and the consequent loss of work and the ability to support your family. On top of that there are fines, Driver Point Premiums and insurance costs. Moreover in BC a conviction for a traffic ticket stays on your driving record for forever. You can’t get a pardon to clear your record. A traffic offense in BC is a life sentence. It is a blot on your driving abstract that the authorities can view and use against you anytime in the future.

Hardened in battle, these lawyers are accustomed to cross-examining police officers in criminal driving cases.

This is a particular feature to BC. In our province a traffic ticket carries greater consequences than most people expect. The jeopardy drivers face with a traffic ticket is high. This is why you want a lawyer to defend your traffic ticket.

Lawyers who defend your traffic ticket

In BC there is a special breed of lawyers who defend traffic tickets. Hardened in battle, these lawyers who are accustomed to cross-examining police officers in criminal driving cases, develop skills you won’t find anywhere else. Unlike police officers who are indoctrinated to defer to authority, lawyers approach a file with a mixture of objectivity, cynicism and suspicion of overbearing police behaviour. The police have a role to enforce the laws of British Columbia and Canada. Lawyers who defend traffic tickets have the job of putting the police under the microscope. And all of this happens via the truth-seeking quest of cross examination.

Our lawyers are criminal and driving barristers, meaning we are court lawyers who defend cases in criminal court and traffic court. One day we may defend a criminal DUI , challenging the evidence of the police and getting to the truth to exonerate our client. The next day we may be in traffic court to demonstrate that the police evidence on a speeding case falls short of proving an allegation of excessive speeding. In either case, years of refining the skills of cross examination allows us to get justice for our clients.

We know the police methods. We have their manuals and lots of their equipment. But the edge that you get with a lawyer to defend your traffic ticket is a professional with the skills in cross examining police witnesses attained through years of study, years of training and experience dealing with the police.

Give us a call when you need a lawyer to defend your traffic ticket. In court we may be hard on the police, but we’re regular people. It’s our job to help you. Call now.