In BC many people have to drive for a living, and others have a heavy commute just to get to work. Driving may be a necessity and it may be a chore. But there’s...
We are asked from time to time why you should dispute a traffic ticket in BC. In a previous blog post we explained why we fight traffic tickets. Not all lawyers like...
Traffic tickets are serious matters. A conviction can mean the loss of your driving privileges, and the consequent loss of work and the ability to support your...
We have a major focus on driving law. Many lawyers don’t take the types of cases that we defend because they’re not interested in this type of work. For...
An interesting event took place on the first Monday in March, 2014 – the BC Court of Appeal confirmed that the IRP legislation that came into effect in September...
A series of court decisions beginning in the Summer of 2013 have made big changes to DUI law in BC. Although generally speaking, the courts are supportive of attempts...
Some things go great together, like wine and olives, beer and softball, marihuana and Cheezies – but other combinations can have disastrous results. Take, for...
It may be hard for many to accept, but looking down to adjust your vehicle heater or adjusting the stereo while driving is, in fact, Driving Without Due Care and...
If you receive a driving prohibition of any sort from the Police or the Superintendent of Motor Vehicles, or a Notice of Intent to Prohibit arrives in your mailbox,...
Whether you’re facing a driving prohibition, criminal DUI or traffic ticket, you need a to find one of the BC lawyers who know driving law. There are all sorts...
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