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For those who love to drive

In BC many people have to drive for a living, and others have a heavy commute just to get to work. Driving may be a necessity and it may be a chore. But there’s...

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The Cost of a Ticket in BC

We are asked from time to time why you should dispute a traffic ticket in BC. In a previous blog post we explained why we fight traffic tickets. Not all lawyers like...

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Big changes in DUI law

A series of court decisions beginning in the Summer of 2013 have made big changes to DUI law in BC. Although generally speaking, the courts are supportive of attempts...

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Mouthwash and breathalyzers

Some things go great together, like wine and olives, beer and softball, marihuana and Cheezies – but other combinations can have disastrous results. Take, for...

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Lawyers who know driving law

Whether you’re facing a driving prohibition, criminal DUI or traffic ticket, you need a to find one of the BC lawyers who know driving law. There are all sorts...

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